The Maps of Maiyim

The Maiyim Tetraology: World of Water

A picture isn't always worth a thousand words, so I'll try not to write too long to explain these maps. Click on the thumbnail maps to view and download full-sized copies. New! Moshe Harel has once again supplied me with thumbnails and colorized maps. Enjoy!

World Map of Maiyim: When I draw a map of a fantasy world I usually just use a legal pad to do a rough sketch. So those vertical lines in the maps of Maiyim and the World (above) aren't there to express longitude. I also only put on a few landmarks, the major cities, etc. and then fill in the details as I write and need to come up with a location name. The World map is the only one for the Gaenor's Quest series and you may notice it's a bit crowded in some spots. It will get even more crowded as the series progresses. For the Maiyim Tetralogy I realized very early on I would need larger, more detailed maps so I fitted a bunch of  sheets of plain white paper together and made a much larger map. The first map below is the original world map. I made only a few changes to it. The biggest difference is that I moved the Emmine Archipelago further south so it is more temperate. Bellinen is a tropical group of islands and Granom is about as far north and Emmine is south. When I drew the larger maps I added two smaller archipelagos in the Nildar Ocean. The names of the major archipelagos come from three of the seven elder gods of Maiyim. The oceans are named after the three younger gods. For details, read the books.


The Emmine Archipelago: This map shows Emmine in her correct location relative to Bellinen. The only detail that doesn't show up well is the otherwise unnamed island of Silverwind's hermitage, which I labeled in pencil. Just as well, I suppose. He didn't really want anyone to know where it was anyway.


The Granom Archipelago: I have no good explanation why I didn't at least drawn in part of Bellinen here to show it's position relative to Granom, especially since I did include Ellisto which is south of Bellinen. No doubt the Granomen don't wish to recognized the Orenta. Most of the places on this map are mentioned in "Men of the Earth" and "Island of Fire."



Bellinen Archipelago: And here is a close-up of the last of the three great island groups of Maiyim. Fortunately, the Orenta had no problem with parts of Emmine and Granom showing on their map. Bellinen figures prominently in the first half of "Island of Fire," but many locales are mentioned in the earlier stories as well.


The Nildar Ocean: For the most part I probably did not have to post this one, except that the Isle of Fire just barely missed fitting on one of the above maps. This map also reveals where the small Wennil and Saindo Archipelagos are. For the record, the collection of spots between the two minor archipelagos just to the right of the word "Ocean" is not another archipelago, just a smudge on the map. The other scattered dots are small and mostly isolated islands.